Doctoral dissertation


Stage of education at the Doctoral School of Molecular Medicine

A doctoral student’s education at the Doctoral School ends with the submission of a doctoral thesis.

A doctoral dissertation may have the form of a written paper, including a scientific monograph, a collection of published and theme-related scientific articles, a design, construction, technological or implementation work, as well as an independent and separated part of a collective work.

Bound dissertation must consist of:

  • Title page (First page of doctoral thesis)
  • Following pages are the content of the thesis
  • Summary/Abstract (abstract in English must be attached to a dissertation prepared in a Polish language / abstract in Polish and English must be attached to a doctoral dissertation prepared in English.)

Doctoral student submits their doctoral dissertation in written form, along with a positive opinion of their supervisor (Supervisor’s Opinion on Doctoral Thesis) and in the case of a collection of published and theme-related scientific articles (“cumulative dissertation”) – an additional statement (Statement – “cumulative dissertation”).

In the case of submission of a doctoral dissertation before the end of the period of studies completion stipulated in the programme of studies, the Head of the Doctoral School, upon a doctoral student’s request, exempts them from the obligation to participate in the remaining part of classes and professional placement training until the end of the period of studies.

ATTENTION! Submitted doctoral dissertation ending education at a doctoral school – in accordance with Art. 204 section 1 of the Act, must be identical to the dissertation submitted together with the application to initiate proceedings for the award of a doctoral degree pursuant to Art. 189 section 1 of the Act.

Studies at the Doctoral School in the case specified in item above may not last for a period shorter than 6 semesters.

Substantive modification of the dissertation, after completing education at the doctoral school, affecting its scientific value (e.g. by expanding or reducing the text), will result in the promotion procedure no longer being related to education at the doctoral school and, consequently, will be initiated and conducted in the external mode, which will require the candidate to pay a fee for this procedure in accordance with Art. 182 section 1 of the Act.


After completing education at the Doctoral School of Molecular Medicine

The procedure is conducted by Dean’s Offices in disciplines:

• medical sciences – Medical Sciences Council (Dziekanat Wydziału Lekarskiego)
• pharmacology and pharmacy – Pharmaceutical Sciences Council (Dziekanat Wydziału Farmaceutycznego)
• health sciences – Health Sciences Council (Dziekanat Wydziału Nauk o Zdrowiu)

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