Elective courses

Elective courses (seminars)

Elective courses are chosen by the doctoral student from the offer presented each academic year by the university’s research and teaching units.
The total number of elective course hours during education (4 years) is no less than 30.

Registration for seminars:

  • 1st call: November 4-30, 2024 (5h long seminars)
  • 2nd call: February 10-12, 2025 (10h long seminars)

Registration method: online through the Virtual University (VU)

Temat seminarium
Seminar topic
Kierownik jednostki organizującej
Head of the organizing unit
Koordynator zajęć
Coordinator of classes
Liczba godzin
Number of hours
Termin zajęć
Date of classes
Hours of classes
Miejsce zajęć
Place of the classes
Maksymalna liczba osób
Informatic tools for analysis of immunofluorescence and immunohistochemical stainingprof. dr hab. n. med. Agnieszka Piastowska- Ciesielskadr hab. Aleksandra Piechota-Polańczyk508.04.202508:45-12:30ONLINE12
Documents required in the educational process at the Doctoral School – how to prepare them so as not to go maddr hab. n. med. Elżbieta Płuciennikdr n. med. Damian Kołat506.03.202516:00-20:00ONLINE15
Leadership in the management of the international projectprof. dr hab. n. o zdrowiu Magdalena Wrzesińskaprof. dr hab. n. o zdrowiu Magdalena Wrzesińska512.03.202509:00-12:45ul. Narutowicza 60,
sala/room 123
Risk Management in Research and Development Projectsprof. dr hab. n. med. Ewa Brzeziańska-Lasotadr n. med. Karolina H. Czarnecka-Chrebelska525.02.202512:15-16:00MolEcoLab
sala/room 0.50,
Mazowiecka 5, A-6
For whom is this paper? The basics of medical writing for PhD studentsprof. dr hab. n. med. Agnieszka Piastowska- Ciesielskaprof. dr hab. n. med. Agnieszka Piastowska- Ciesielska, dr hab. n. med. Karolina Kowalska513.06.202512:15-16:00ONLINE20
The use of proteomic repositories in scientific researchdr hab. n. med. Elżbieta Płuciennikdr hab. n. med. Elżbieta Płuciennik505.03.202516:00-20:00ONLINE25
Procedures and principles of scientific research on an animal modeldr hab. n. med. Zbigniew Pasiekadr n. med. Karol Kłosiński504.03.202516:15-20:15ONLINE15
In silico analyzes of transcriptome in cancer diseasesprof. dr hab. n. med. Elżbieta Płuciennikdr n. med. Damian Kołat1019.03.2025, 20.03.202516.15 - 20.00ONLINE30
Functional assays used in biomedical sciences to assess the hallmarks of cancer cellsprof. dr hab. n. med. Elżbieta Płuciennikprof. dr hab. n. med. Elżbieta Płuciennik1020.05.2025, 21.05.202516.00 - 20.00ONLINE30
Bioactive food components and their importance in human healthDr hab. Zbigniew Pasieka, prof. UMdr n. med. Karol Kłosiński1007.04.2025, 14.04.202516.15 - 20.00ONLINE30